Embrace the Chaos. Complete the Mission.

Embrace the Chaos.  Complete the Mission.

Rules.  Everywhere there are Rules.

Rules and Laws bring order.
Without any rules or laws there is Chaos.
Embrace the Chaos.  Complete the Mission.


Red light.
Green light.
Dashed line.
Solid line.
Double line
Stop sign.
Yield sign
Seat belts.
One way
Two way
Right lane
Left lane
Speed limit
Rules bring order.
We are taught when we are young to obey the authorities.
When we are young the authorities are parents, teachers, coaches.
When we are adults, the authorities are bosses, cops, government.
The authorities establish the rules.
Create the laws.
Enforce the laws.
The Government Enforcers have guns that lends power to the badge of authority.
We learn that if we disobey authority, i.e. break the rules, we get punished.
When we are young we get grounded, etc.
When we are adults we get:
traffic tickets
parking tickets
being fired from work
being arrested
going to jail
going to prison
We are taught from when we are very young to obey the authorities, obey the rules, obey the laws.
Our lives are governed by rules, regulations and laws.
Our leisure activities are governed by time, by score, by both, by numbers, by size.
Sports. Rules. Regulations. Time. Score. Foul. Off-sides. etc.
Fishing limits. Hunting limits, etc.
Sewing/Quilting/Scrapbooking – there are unwritten rules, this color goes with that, this color DOESN’T go with that.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Mindset.  Fighting Mindset.  A Fighting Mindset knows when to obey rules/laws, and when to ignore rules/laws.
There are four distinct types of persons.
Predators (Wolves).  The evil ones.
Prey (Sheep). Sheep are what Wolves target.
Sheep Dogs.  They protect the Sheep by herding the sheep to safety.
Wolf Hounds.  They attack the Wolves.  They leave the sheep and go after the wolves.
Sheep are Prey.
Sheep follow the voice of authority.  When told by armed gunmen (Wolves) to line up against the wall, what do Sheep do?  Sheep line up against the wall.  When hundreds and hundreds of Sheep are told to get in line by a few armed Wolves, what do Sheep do?
They stay in their lane.
They obey the rules.
They think that by obeying authority everything will turn out OK.
Sheep believe that deep down everyone wants to be good.
Sheep believe deep down that by obeying they will get rewarded.
So sheep will walk in an orderly fashion to the gas chamber.
Or stand there, or kneel there, to be shot.
While Wolves are killing everyone else around them, the Sheep will stay there, waiting to be shot, believing the whole time that they will actually not get shot.
Sheep obey anyone that exerts authority over them. Good or bad, Sheep will obey anyone that exerts authority over them.
That is what sheep do.
They obey authority.
They think they will be rewarded for obeying.
Predators (Wolves) kill prey (Sheep).
Wolves maim Sheep.
Wolves rape Sheep.
Wolves rob Sheep.
Wolves kidnap Sheep.
Wolves kill Sheep.
That is what Wolves do.
Wolves disregard all rules.
Wolves disregard all laws.
There are Sheep Dogs.  My Level 1 Handgun classes has about a 20% ratio of Sheep. The vast majority of people in my classes are Sheep Dogs.  Every now and again I get a Wolf Hound in my classes, but they are rare.
Sheep Dogs protect Sheep.  When the fight starts, the Sheep Dogs first thought is “I have to get the Sheep out of danger” or “I have to protect the Sheep”!
Sheep Dogs follow and obey rules until the fight starts, then they only obey rules that make sense.
They are NOT blindly obedient.
They disdain Wolves.  Whether they are Government Wolves, back-alley Wolves or terrorist Wolves, Sheep Dogs view them in the same light.
A Wolf is a Wolf.  Sheep Dogs know this.
Sheep Dogs protect the Sheep from the Wolves.
That is what Sheep Dogs do.
Wolf Hounds go after the Wolves.  When the fight starts, the Wolf Hound’s first thought is “I have to stop the Wolf”!
Wolf Hounds also are not blindly obedient, they only obey rules/laws that make sense once the fight starts.

Wolf Hounds’ disdain for Wolves is even greater than the Sheep Dogs’ hatred of Wolves.

We NEED both Sheep Dogs and Wolf Hounds.  While the Wolf Hound is going after the Wolves, we need the Sheep Dogs to protect the Sheep (get them to safety).
We as Sheep Dogs/Wolf Hounds must be comfortable in Chaos.
We must be comfortable in an absence of order.
We must be comfortable in an absence of rules.
We must be comfortable in Chaos.
Embrace the Chaos.  Complete the Mission.
Gunfights are 100% chaos.
There are ONE rule.
It is DO NO HARM to the Sheep or other Sheep Dogs and Wolf Hounds.  This is the ONLY rule in a gunfight.
No timer.
No score.
No foul.
No time out.
No mulligans.
No do overs.
When you get in a gunfight, you will probably look for “rules”.  You will look for some type of order in the Chaos you see, something to hold on to.  To bring normalcy to the chaos.
When you first experience this Chaos you may feel as if you are drowning.
When you first experience this Chaos your mind may feel as if it is being assaulted by the Chaos.
When you first experience this Chaos you may be distracted by the Chaos.
When you get in a gunfight, you will probably look for “rules”.  You will look for some type of order in the Chaos you see, something to hold on to.  To bring normalcy to the chaos.
THERE ARE NO RULES that bring normalcy to chaos.
Don’t look for any.
It wastes time.
It distracts you from what you should be thinking about, whether that is getting the Sheep out of danger or going after the Wolf.
Be comfortable in Chaos.
Be comfortable in Chaos and win the fight.
Being comfortable in Chaos is to free your mind of everything except winning the fight.
Embrace the Chaos.  Complete the Mission.
Once embraced, the Chaos is no longer daunting, the Chaos no longer assaults the mind.
You no longer feel as if you are drowning.
You will no longer be distracted by the Chaos, but rather you will see through the Chaos.
You will see pathways by which you can achieve your goals.
The Chaos will become just another landscape.
It will become terrain for you to navigate through.
Embrace the Chaos.
Complete the Mission.
Categories: Firearms Training

1 Comment

  • George Shupp says:

    Way to long since your last post.

    I have been following your post for many years, glad to see you post again.

    Very timely material.


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